Friday, September 28, 2012

Hail Mortal

Welcome to the tower. I am Zell Nocturna, your very own broken (but magickal) gothic Repunzel.

Are you goth? Are you pagan? Are you just fed up with the entire dictated structure of society in general? Then you have come to the right place...
I have found that the majority of pagan/wiccan sites are happy, colorful, flowery, nature-filled spaces with images of busty blonde women with baby deer enjoying nice strolls through the forest. While that is all well and good, there is a vast number of pagans who would find just as much interest in a child's teaparty (or a quick look through the latest issue of Cosmo).

Thus, I have created this blog as a center and resource for the Goth Pagan. Those of us who would rather perform a ritual for the dark moon than, say, sit in the garden and commune with the faeries. There will be no "black magick" posted on this blog. There will be Dark magick, however (no, the two are not the same thing). Don't know the difference? Don't worry, I'm here to show you. I have been teaching the Craft for over five years, and I have been a goth witch for over ten.

Along with dark spells, rituals, and information, you will also find things that correspond to counter-culture in general, such as anarchy, alternative music, fashion, and lifestyle ideas, protest opportunities, and conspiracies revealed.

I have had other blogs in the past, but they were mostly poetry or spaces for short stories. My goal here is to create a practical space filled with relevant information for anyone who considers themselves to be alternative and part of counter-culture.

Enjoy, mortal ;)

PS This blog will be undergoing a great deal of re-decorating for a while until I settle on the right look and feel. This might be annoying. Bear with me xD