Dark Moon Ritual
adapted from Starhawk for solitaries
by Coraluca Maleficent Soleil (Zell Nocturna)
* Prepare your altar with tarot cards and/or a gazing crystal or scrying bowl.
Meditate, cast the circle, light the incense only.
* Say:
"This is the ending before the beginning,
the death before new life.
Now on the ebb tide, the secrets of the shoreline are uncovered
by the retreating waves.
The moon is hidden, but the faintest of stars are revealed
and those who have eyes to see may read the fates
and know the Mysteries.
The dark maiden goddess enters the Underworld.
In the vast silence and stillness, all things are possible.
We meet in the time of the Crone,
to touch the deep power of the Dark."
*Meditate in the darkness.
*Invoke the Dark Goddesses.
*Light the altar candle
*Scry and/or read the cards,
asking the dark goddesses to lend you
their wisdom and power.
* Record what you see/read,
refer to it as the month progresses.
* End with wine, open the circle.