This spell should only be used under the direst of circumstances, when a person is clearly, undeniably, unquestionably acting in a way that is fundamentally immoral, harming others, and bringing evil energy into the world. Do not use it just because someone said something nasty behind your back. This is not a remedy for petty highschool drama. By casting this spell, you are acting as the Dark Goddess - Hecate, Kali, Lilith, etc - and you better make sure your will is in line with theirs, that they would whole-heartedly agree with your actions, before you invoke this kind of energy.
With that being said, you have been warned.
* Cast a circle before a fire, in your cauldron or hearth, and place fire large stones around the circle.

By the dark winds that foul and scour,
By the dried earth that brings famine and suffering,
By the dark fires that scorch and sear,
By raging waters that choke and consume life,
Elemental Powers, open the Doors of Destruction and Despair
for _name of cursed_
Bring him/her the pain which she needs
to cleanse his/her heart of cruelty,
By the Power of the Five Elements!
I ask by Wind (fan the fire)
I ask by Earth (cast dirt into the fire)
I ask by Fire (cast ash into the fire)
I ask by Water (spit into the fire)
I ask by Spirit (cast blood into the fire*)
Let It Be Done."
adapted from unknown author
*If you can, either prick your finger, or draw a
small amount of blood with your athame.
If you are not comfortable with this,
use wine as a symbolic replacement for blood.