The Names of the Goddess
Author Unknown
The Goddess is one and multiform
The Goddess has nine billion names and more
Of her names, only a few do we sing:
Blessed be the Goddess of Chaos, Eris incarnate
First of all to emerge in the undifferentiated plenum
The splendid dancer on the interface
of the macrocosm and the microcosm
The Creatrix of all fractal dimensions
Blessed be the Sun, Amaterasu
Creatrix of all solar planets
She we greet at dawn's first breath
She we hail at noon
She we bid farewell at twilight
Blessed be broad-breasted Earth, Gaia
The ever-bountiful planet of our birth
From her core of fire
To the outer wisps of her ionosphere
She has suffered mass extinctions
She has rebirthed species time and time again
We shall not rest in our defense of her
Against the depredations of the patriarchs
Blessed be Marina, the Goddess of the Ocean
Blue-mantled, foam-crested
She brings rains to the dry lands
Her song is sung by the whales of the deep
She nurtures life in its infancy
As she watches over chidbirth
Blessed be Marina's sister, Selene the silent
Our constant companion,
Goddess of the lunar cycle of the womb
At the dark moon we watch for her expectantly
At the new moon we hail her joyously
At the full moon we make love and sing her praise
At the waning moon we mourn and meditate
Blessed be Aphrodite, Goddess of Love
Who we also know as Venus, bringer of delights
Joy which knows no boundaries
Kindness which needs no recompense
And bestow on us
the paradise of the Goddess
the paradise of the Goddess
As above and so below
Blessed be Athena, Goddess ofWisdom
She who taught us
in the dawn of time
how to speak ,
create tools, use fire,
to till the land and tend it wisely
in the dawn of time
how to speak ,
create tools, use fire,
to till the land and tend it wisely
We see far
and go forth in her name
and go forth in her name

Blessed be Demeter
Bringer of seasons
and giver of good gifts
We eat of your divine foods
Grains, fruits, vegetables
We praise your bounty
at every meal
We sustain our bodies
and gladden our soul
Blessed be Kali
Goddess of the Underworld
Skull-wreathed, terrible Goddess
Death, destroyer of universes
She who sits at the gate of rebirth
She who weighs our heart
in the scales
If it weighs less than a pomegranate seed
She will send you on to the Summerland
If it is heavier, you will wander in the Bardos
To be reborn and find love once more