After casting a circle during the full moon, kneel with hands held high and say:
"When the moon rides high
as she crosses the sky
and the stars on her gown trail behind
then we witches below are all aglow
just to see her so brightly enshrined.
On the night of the moon as I sing to the tune
of the Lady who watches above
I raise high my song as she glides by so strong
and I bask in the light of her light."
Rhythmic chant: Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna (repeat as desired).
"Lovely Lady, you have been known by so many names:
Aphrodite, Demeter , Diana, Ea, Freyja, Gaea, Isis and so many more have been your names.
It is with these names do I adore and worship you. I give you due honour and invite you to join me on this, your special night."
Sit and meditate.
"Descend my Lady; descend I pray thee and speak with me, your child."
Words of the Goddess:
I am she who watches over thee. Mother of you all. Know that I rejoice that you do not forget me. To pay homage at the full of the moon is meet and right and brings joy unto yourself, even as it does me. Know that, with my silken thread I weave the tapestry of life for everyone. I am at the beginning of life and at its end: The Maiden, The Mother, The Crone.
Where ever you may be, if you seek me, know that I am always here, for I abide deep within you. Look, then, within yourself if you would seek me. I am Life and I am Love. Find me and rejoice, for love is my music and laughter is my song. Be true to me and I will ever be true to you.
Love is the law and Love is the bond. So Mote it Be!