"Stones of power, circle round,
Bring your power from the ground,
Speak to me that I might know,
Where earth's waters ebb and flow,
Where the heavens cast their eyes,
Where the raven roosts and flies."
Clasp all seven stones firmly in your right hand, close your eyes, and allow your mind to wander freely. Relax, clear all thoughts, and allow no worries to enter your mind. Imagine that you are floating. Ignore your surroundings and senses. Once you have cleared your mind, slowly begin to focus on the stones in your hand. Allow your thoughts to begin channeling through the stones.
Imagine your thoughts spreading through the universe. Imagine your mind traveling through the stone to the open spaces of the universe and searching for communications, allowing contact and being warmly receptive. When you feel relaxed, receptive, and comfortable in this state of mind, open your eyes and gently drop the stones into the bowl of water. Dip the index finger of your right hand into the water and with your moistened finger, trace a circle seven times on your forehead, over your third eye chakra. Lean over the bowl of water and allow your mind to remain connected, through the stones, with the universe. Allow the messages to be received. When you have finished, extinguish the candle.