Moon Phase: New through Full
Day: Friday
Planet: Venus
Colors: Red, White, Pink
2 Candles, 1 red and 1 white
A Ball of Red Yarn
Red, White, Pink Rose Petals
White Sugar
Your name on a piece of white paper
written in red ink
A small bowl
A needle or pin
* Place all supplies on the altar. Cleanse, consecrate, and empower the items.
If you like, you can ask for the blessings of Aphrodite or Venus on the work you plan to do,
or you may wish to work with Spirit or your guardian angel.
* Hold your hands over your materials
until your palms begin to tingle or get warm.
Light the red candle. Put the white sugar, the rose petals, and the paper with your name
in red in the small bowl or cauldron. Gently stir the contents seven times, saying:
"I Stir I change I manifest
Send me the love that suits me best."
* Take the end of a needle or pin and carve the words "love" and your name on the
white candle. Hold the candle tightly in your hand, and repeat the charm seven times.
* Remove the piece of paper from the bowl and place the paper underneath the candle
holder in the center of your alter. Sprinkle the rose petal and sugar mixture around the
base of the candle in the shape of a heart.
* Focus your eyes on the candle flame. Think of yourself happy, safe, and in the arms of a caring person. Hold this thought as long as you can. When you lose the thought, open your eyes and say:
"Goddess, I ask the universe to send me the person who will suit me best."
* Take the ball of yarn, hold the loose end in your receptive hand, and begin unraveling the ball,
repeating the charm, until you come to the opposite end of the yarn.
*As you pull the yarn back toward you, envision yourself happy and loved. Then roll the ball of yarn back up again, repeating the charm, and envisioning yourself happy and loved.
* When you have a complete ball, set the yarn aside (do not throw the ball of yarn away).
* Thank the Goddess, then snuff out the candles. Release your circle.
* Repeat the candle lighting part of this spell for seven days, always within a magic circle.
At the end of the seven days, place the remains of the candle, the paper, and the heart-shaped
sugar and rose mixture into a plastic baggie. Keep the baggie in a safe place until you encounter
the love you asked for, then sprinkle the mixture into your backyard.
Ask the Goddess that, as the sugar and rose petal mix disintegrates, love grows in your life.
adapted from unknown author