Goddesses: Hecate, Baba Yaga, Kali, Cailleach, Lilith, Arachne, Medusa
Colors: black, grey, red, orange, dark purple, dark blue(fall colors)
Herbs: sage, clove, nutmeg, bergamot, bay leaves, belladonna, wormwood
Crystals: hematite, onyx, all black stones, quartz crystals, grey stones, carnelian, agate
Symbols: cauldrons, pumpkins, brooms, witch hats, skulls, black cats, bats, lanterns, bonfires
Symbols: cauldrons, pumpkins, brooms, spiderwebs, witch hats, skulls, black cats, bats, lanterns, bonfires
I believe that calling Samhain the witches' “new year” makes about as much sense as calling the dark moon the “new moon.” Therefore, I prefer to see this sabbat as our “new year's eve” instead, and give it completely to the Crone Goddess as a time of dark mystery, rest, and divination. Samhain (pronounced SOW-en), also called Shadowfest, is the ancient pagan festival of the dead. It was not some morbid, grotesque desire to emulate death itself. It was another magickal party to celebrate every necessary aspect of Life as positive and sacred. I believe that the ancient pagans saw how much sadness death caused and wanted to create a happy day for death, so that our ideas of human passing would be more balanced, and therefore healthier psychically.
When the Catholic church began persecuting pagans, they changed all of our festivals into Christian holidays celebrating their saints. Since this holiday was meant to celebrate all of the dead, the Church declared only the canonized dead were worthy of celebration and reverence, and called the day All Hallows’ Eve, followed by All Saints Day on November first. Like Christmas and Easter, Halloween retains many ancient pagan traditions, for example, carving pumpkins into Jack-o-Lanterns (originally, however, gourds, radishes, and potatos were used since pumpkins were not native to Europe). These were used to light the way for the spirits of friends and loved ones who wanted to visit their old homes. Even in mainstream society, tarot readings, crystal gazing, and even Ouija boards and seances find a certain acceptance on this night. This is because divination of all kinds has been a traditional practice of Samhain for millenia, and I believe it is stored in our Akashic Record.
Some families felt it was only right to have a respectful, somber tradition as well, and created the “dumb supper.” This is a meal prepared in the home and eaten in total silence, to honor the ancestors or loved ones who have passed on. A place is also set for them at the table, complete with food and a candle. After this ritual is complete, the parties begin with songs, dancing, feasting, drinking, story-telling, games, bonfires, divination, and magick. Samhain is the day of the Crone. Her wisdom aids our divination efforts and gives us insight to the future. Her energy is highly protective and magickal. She invites the Earth to come and rest before being reborn the following Spring. Dream magick is one of her specialties and Samhain is the night when this practice will be most successful. I suggest bringing some traditional Halloween décor into your ritual space like spiders, webs, Jack-o-lanterns, bats, etc. Drape your altar with orange and black, burn orange and black candles and dragon's blood incense. Invoke Crone and dark goddesses.
Candles (black, orange, silver, dark purple or blue)
Incense (dragon's blood or other Samhain herbal incense)
Chalice with water, wine, or juice
Book of Shadows
crystals (obsidian, hematite, or other Samhain or divination crystals)
tarot cards, runes, crystal ball or other divination tools
autumn leaves, pumpkins, corn, or other Fall and Halloween decorations
Begin by casting the circle. Use the list of Crone Goddesses to create a chant (for example, “Lilith, Kali, Isis, Hecate”). Repeat this for a minute or two, or as long as it takes you to focus and begin to feel the energy of the Crone Goddesses. If you have any loved ones who have passed on over the last year, say something to honor them. It can be as simple or as detailed as you choose. If you don't have anyone specific to honor, you may wish to speak to your distant ancestors or to all those who have passed on, simply honoring the dead in general.
Make a needfire in your cauldron. Burn the bits of paper and add dried sage, rosemary, and any other Samhain herbs you have. Place black stones around the cauldron to amplify the banishing energy, representing each individual thing to be banished. When the papers are burned, add a few small pinches of other herbs to invoke good things and replace the bad with good. Place colored stones around the black stones. Use the same number so each stone has a partner. Each colored stone should represent one beneficial thing you wish to invoke to replace what is being banished.
Do a tarot reading, or use another divination tool, and record it in your Book of Shadows or Mirrors. When you finish your ritual, do something fun with your friends for Halloween/Samhain. Keep candles lit throughout the night. Make Jack-o-lanterns and place them in the windows and outside (as long as there are no fire hazards) to help visiting spirits find their way. Pay close attention to your dreams tonight, for they will give you valuable wisdom for the future.