Place it in sunlight and moonlight for twenty-four hours to charge its energy.
Hold it against your third eye chakra and visualize the purpose for which you wish to use it.
When you have the purpose fixed firmly in your mind, project it into the crystal.
You may then either give the crystal to the person concerned or place it on your altar, programming it to send energy to them by willing it to do so when you are focusing your energy for the intended purpse.
The crystal will continue to work for its intended purpose until you reprogram it, but you may wish to cleanse it after a few moons.
A Few Words About Crystal Healing
by Cora Soleil
It may need cleansing because the crystal will work as a filter. And just like the filter in my Brita pitcher, there is only so much much it can filter out before it starts to retain too much, and can't filter anything anymore.
How? The first two lines in this spell are the cleansing process. Simply repeat lines one and two, and then program the crystal according to your new intent (or repeat all of it if you still wish to work healing magick).
Crystals can also be used physically. If the person agrees, have them lay down, light candles and incense, and place the crystal on the chakra closest to their ailment. For example, the Heart chakra if they have a lung issue, etc. Or, if it is on their limbs, the crystals can be placed directly on the arm, leg, hand, or foot.
Crystals can also be selected according to the color of the chakra they are healing.
This will balance and activate the person's chakra so that their energy is more powerful, and so that there are no stuck blockages in the energy paths of their body.
These paths are called Meridians, and they connect and work with the chakras to keep us healthy, both physically and spiritually. Crystals resonate with the energy of the Earth, which is also the energy that courses through our meridians. When we activate the energy of the crystal, we lend its energy to ours, and it is able to transmute that energy into us. To do this physically is the strongest method, because the crystal's energy is working within the aura of the person.