* 5 white tea-light (short miniature) candles
* 1 larger candle of any color (blue, silver/grey,a or white are good for the full moon)
* full moon incense
* dark-colored dish with water (filtered if possible)
* small dish of salt a crystal or stone
Find a space on the floor and place the five candles in a circle large enough to sit in the middle.
Place the incense, dish, salt, candle, and crystal in the center of your circle.
Light the candle.
Close your eyes and breathe deeply for a moment, feeling the energy of the full moon.

to shine upon my soul this night
I am drawing down the moon
In this circle, In this room
Lovely goddesses of the Night
Without the Dark there is no Light
Bless me with your full moon power
In this dark and moonlit hour
By the power of Three Times Three
As I Will, So Let It Be."
Breathe for a moment, then sprinkle the salt into the water, moving in a circular motion
going deosil (clockwise).
Place the candle so that it is close enough to see the surface of the water, and gaze within.
Quiet your thoughts and allow your eyes to blur and visions to enter your mind.
You may see swirling on the water's surface, or blurry mist.
It's ok to blink, just keep your eyes unfocused.
Imagine the glowing, round dish of water is the full surface of the moon, and visualize its bright energy being drawn into your spirit.
When you finish, place your hands on the floor and release any excess energy back into the earth. Thank the Goddess and close the circle, ending with food, wine, etc.