Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you all know what I've been up to this last week... dealing with school... Actually got to go shopping a few times and got tons of super hot clothes, shoes, and jewelry. I haven't taken pics yet because I'm going to try to buy a new digital camera in the next few days... my old one has been broken for years.
And also, my O key is broken on my keyboard, so until I rig something up, everything is taking me twice as long to type. The reason I can't get it fixed right now is because it will take seven to ten business days to send it off, and I simply cannot do without it that long since all my classes are online (because I have no car - a whole other story) so if I did that, I would inevitably Fail Everything.
Anyway, the point is: pics soon, and longer posts, and also another video hopefully tomorrow night.

Dark Blessings )O(

PS Hope you like the moon phase display, I put it up especially for you ;x

Also, if you haven't checked out the anonymous stuff yet on the OpEvolve page, you really should. This is the Age of Information... Run with it ;}