The East, the sylphs, the knowledge, the Wind

The South, the drakes, the hearth, the Fire
aid this night in my desire.
The West, the mers, the dreams, the Water
I conjure magick into matter.
The North, the gnomes, the roots, the Grove bring your gifts, I make it so.
The center, the Spirit, the power, the Force
I call you now to open the doors.
The North, the gnomes, the roots, the Grove
fare thee well, I send thee home.
The West, the mers, the dreams, the Water
fare thee well in Gaia's cauldron.
The South, the drakes, the hearth, the Fire
fare thee well, and never tire.
The East, the sylphs, the knowledge, the Wind
The Center, the Spirit, the power, the force
I ask you to hold open the doors.
By the Power of Three Times Three
As I Will, So Let It Be