Correspondences (optional)
moon phase: new, crescent, first quarter
moon sign: Aries
day: Saturday, Monday, Friday
(depending on type of protection)
planetary hour: Saturn, Moon, Venus
(depending on day)
goddess: Hestia, Diana, Lilith, Isis, Venus/Aphrodite
colors: red, white, black
supplies: incense, candles
oil: sandalwood oil, uncrossing oil, jinx-removing oil,
protective oil like lavender, sage, or rosemary
incense: sage, smudge stick, corresponding protective incense

* Say:
"Goddess of the glowing light
Goddess of the hearth and home
prepare the way for this sacred right
Dark mother of fire and stone
send your protection from above, this night.
Goddess of peace and charm
banish any evil or harm
Send protection unto me
As I Will So Let It Be"
* See your circle fill with light and allow
the goddesses to aid you in this spell.
* Dress the candle, place your hands above the flame. In your mind, see the protecting light of the Goddess empower your hands, which you then use to empower the candle. Envision the candle glowing with the light of the Goddess' protection.
* Say:
"Elementals of Fire
this request of thee I ask;
No ill intent shall ever touch me
banish all negativity
As I Will So Let It Be"

* Feel the energy of the circle come alive, removing all harm and negativity from the space, draining away from your home and staying away for good. Fill your aura with the protective energy of the Goddess, drawing your visualization from the candle.
* When you feel you have collected enough energy, say:
"Goddesses of the protective light
be with me today and through the night.
Guide me away from harmful intent
return it all where it was sent.
Aid me in peace and serenity
As I Will So Let It Be."
* Pull the protective energy circle around you. Draw any leftover energy into your spirit. Allow the candle and incense to burn until consumed. Thank the Goddess, close the circle, ground and center.
adapted from Lord Merlin