Protection Spell
by Coraluca Zell Soleil
1 white candle
1 blue candle
1 green or purple candle
protective insence
protective herbs
* Cast a circle, light the candles and incense.
* Close your eyes and visualize a circle of light around you. It becomes a sphere - a protective shield which surrounds you at all times. Anything harmful bounces off the shield and is returned to its sender.
* Say:
"By the power of Three Times Three
No harm shall come to me
I am protected from evil both seen and unseen
As I will, so let it be."
* Burn protective herbs and sprinkle salt at your doors and windows, either inside or outside. Let the candles burn out in a safe place as you sleep.
* Before going to bed, anoint yourself with a protective oil. When you rise the next day, anoint your home and pets as well.
* Any time you begin to feel afraid, or if you believe negative forces are trying to affect you, imagine your shield of protection. See it clearly, know it is there, and do not allow anything to pass through.