Return Evil To Sender
Materials:a candle (black if possible)
a pin (for engraving)
olive oil and red pepper flakes
Use the pin and carve "return to sender" on the candle, then anoint it with the oil mix.
Light the candle, then burn it out.

What Goes Around Comes Around
candle (black if possible)
paper with name of evil-doer
written in black ink
"Before the night is over
Before the day is through
Whatever you have done to others
Will come back to you.
By the Power of Three Times Three
As I Will So Let It Be"
Carve the person's name into the candle,
place the paper beneath it,
anoint the candle with oil,
and allow it to burn out.

mix of oil, thyme, and bitter wine or vinegar
pin for carving
Anoint candle, carve evil-doer's name, and seal it with an X carved over it. Then chant:
"Darksome powers of the Night
gather round my candle's flame
Send my enemy in shaded flight,
send my enemy away in shame!
By the Power of Three Times Three
As I Will So Let It Be"
Say this spell thirteen times at the dark moon
Throw the remains of the candle and oil over your left should (into running water if possible) and do not look back.
*Authors Unknown*