Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Beltaine (May Day) May 1

by Coraluna Soleil

Goddesses: Morgaine le Fay, Diana, Artemis, Iris, Rhiannon
Colors: red, pink, white
Herbs: rosemary, rose petals, carnation, snowdrops, lilies, thyme, parsley, cinnamon, white sage
Crystals: ruby, garnet, jasper, bloodstone, moonstone
Symbols: the pendulum, the Lotus, the Yoni, blood, the chalice
The child goddess born at Ostara is now a young woman, and her first moon cycle has come. Beltaine celebrates the fertile bleeding of women and the Maiden goddess. It is now early summer, and earth is fertile, ready to receive the Seeds of Life. Since women bleed without being wounded, it was considered a sacred blessing of fertility and power. in ancient pagan culture. It wasn't only her child-bearing potential that was considered valuable in ancient communities. When a woman began her cycle, she was officially initiated into the circle and participated in oracular divination rituals for the tribe. These rituals were responsible for important decisions like when to plant cops, where to search for herds of animals to hunt, where to fish, whether the winter would be more harsh than the one before, whether the tribe should relocate, etc. The women were intimately close, and together they developed ways to heal one another and their families with herbs, crystals, and the power of sound, rhythm, song, and dance. They danced together while others played drums (in open rituals the men played for them). These were the origins of bellydance.

Every aspect of life was honored as sacred and divine. This Sabbat represents fertility. A woman was not only free to take a lover at this point, she was also free not to. In ancient pagan society, twelve year old girls were not married off and sold to a boy's parents (sold is probably not the right word, considering that a “dowry” is the girl's parents actually paying the boy's parents to take her away for life). This is because ancient pagans recognized that there are other forms of fertility besides the ability to bear children. The fertility of the mind and spirit were respected and revered equally. The original meaning of the word 'virgin' had nothing to do with sex. It meant a woman who was whole and complete unto herself; whose mind and body were her own completely. She was free to satisfy her sexual needs without being owned by one man, or being labeled a “whore”. Childless women expressed their fertility through planting gardens that were essential to the health of their tribe. They created art and beautiful music to inspire new insights and wisdom for spiritual cultivation. They helped raise their sisters' children.

Today, we must always remember that fertility is not just a physical concept. As you enjoy the warmth and beauty of spring and summer, remember that the very same energy they exude resides within you. Fertility is potential... the potential to create beautiful things, to enrich your mind with new knowledge and your spirit with new wisdom, and to manifest the fullness of your spirit. It is also receptiveness. Fertile ground is receptive to seeds. Our minds and spirits are highly receptive to inspiration at this time, look around and you will find it everywhere!

 Beltaine Ritual
Wear red, decorate your altar with a red cloth, red roses, tulips, and other flowers. Burn red candles. Have a chalice of deep red wine or juice. Cast a circle. Imagine yourself dancing around a bonfire with other women. You are all connected by the beat of the drums. If your space permits, put on some Eastern music and dance before your altar. Dance for the Goddess who is yourself (the maiden), Earth (the mother), and the Universe (the Crone). Raise energy through dancing or meditation. When you feel full of energy and emotion, hold the chalice in your hands. Close your eyes and see the creative, fertile, magickal energy drain into the liquid, charging it with your sacred power of growth, life, and rebirth.

Say: “I drink of the Goddess
The sacred blood-wine of the Earth (drink)
I drink of myself
And take in all my powers
Of fertility, creativity, and life (drink)
I am whole unto myself
Maiden, Virgin, forever free
I am One with the Goddess
And She is One with Me.”

Your moonblood is not a curse, it is a blessing. It is the most psychic time of the month for you. At this time we retreat within to think and dream. Our dreams should should be recorded, for they are even more vivid, prophetic, and revealing. Thank the maiden goddess for being ever-present within you, and know that you are whole unto yourself and can trust your own intuition.

Eat red foods... strawberries, cherries, apples, tomatoes, pomegranates, etc. Red meat was also a traditional Beltaine favorite for the Celts and ancient pagans. Drink red juice and more of your charged wine, but save some of it to pour onto the soil of your garden or another spot where plants are beginning to grow, in imitation of the ancient pagan moonblood ritual.