Goddesses: Aphrodite, Isis, Venus, Syren, Callisto, Maya, Freya, Hera
Colors: red, orange, gold
Herbs: roses, basil, ginger, chamomile, jasmine, vervain, lemon, wisteria, patchouli
Crystals: amber, ruby, carnelian, goldstone, coral, emerald (heart chakra)
Symbols: fire, snakes, spirals, seashells, waves
The Maiden Goddess has grown to an emotionally mature woman who is able to experience real love. Litha is about sexuality and beauty. It is the longest day, the “full moon” day of the year. Each day after this Solistice will be shorter than the one before it. The year will begin to wane, just as the moon and everything else is the universe waxes and wanes. Litha celebrates intimate passion in all its forms... creative, artistic, sexual, magickal... If you are too young for sexual activity, or if you are practicing celibacy, you can still honor the powers of kundalini within yourself. The Earth is now glowing with green life. The sultry heat ignites the fire inside us, and pulls us towards our deepest desires.

Light a red candle in honor of the love goddess of your choice. Find pictures of her. For this Solstice meditation, imagine yourself walking along the beach. The moon is shining down on you, filling you with energy, the ocean air is warm and sweet. As you walk, you see a bonfire in the distance where people are dancing, singing, and playing drums. As soon as they see you they smile and welcome you. They each have something different to show and teach you. Some are artists, some are writers with Muse-inspired poetry or stories to share, some are lovers with secrets of the mysteries of Isis. Talk to them. Ask their names and see what they look like. Are there any goddesses there? Demi-goddesses? Be creative, but let the experience come naturally and unforced. Allow them to teach you lessons of passion, love, and beauty.
Stay as long as you wish, and when you come back record the wisdom given to you in your Book of Shadows. It can be simple or complex. Meditations are often very different for each person. Remember as much as you can, so you can think about it later. Burn dragon's blood incense.

“Aphrodite, queen of lovers
Isis, queen of passion
I surrender to the ebb and flow
Of your magnetic ocean
Surround me with love
Fill me with sensuality
The power of your Life-Force
In the fire of my heartbeat
By the Power of Three times Three
As I Will So Let It Be.”
End with summer foods... fresh vegetables, fruit salads, grilled chicken or seafood, etc. Draw inspiration and passion from your surroundings, and channel the energy into a new project or endeavor. Find a love or beauty spell and take a ritual bath with rose petals, lavender buds, and oils. Thank the Goddess for bringing you love, beauty, and magick.