This is not a spell to draw that loved one to you, but more to "open the way," so that if there is interest there, he or she will feel free to make advances.
The Seeker should set a wine glass on the
table. Then suspend a ring (traditionally the mother's wedding band) from a
length of red silk ribbon.
Holding the ribbon between thumb and forefinger, as a pendulum, with the elbow resting on the table, let the ring hang in the mouth of the wine glass. Initially you should try to keep the ring still.
Holding the ribbon between thumb and forefinger, as a pendulum, with the elbow resting on the table, let the ring hang in the mouth of the wine glass. Initially you should try to keep the ring still.

In a loud, clear voice, call out your own name
followed by the name of your would-be love. Repeat the name of your love twice
more (three times in all). Then, thinking of him/her, allow the ring to swing
until it "chinks" against the side of the wine glass once for each letter as you
spell out the name.
Now take the ribbon and tie it about your neck,
allowing the ring to hang down on your chest over the heart. Wear it for three
weeks. Every Friday repeat the above ritual. By the end of the third week, if it
is meant to be, then the loved one will come to you.
© 1990,
Raymond Buckland: Secrets of Gypsy Love Magick