Another example of dark magick which is neither evil nor harmful is dream magick. Did you know it is possible to venture into another person's dreams, to interact with them, and to have conscious memories of it the next day? This is through a technique called lucid dreaming, which can only be acheived when one is attuned to their subconscious mind, to the dark and magickal aspects of the psyche.

You can. I promise. It just takes devotion and effort. If you *want* to learn, you absolutely will. But to return to the original point. If you have no connection to the deeper spiritual aspects of yourself, it will all be in vain. So to be sure you are in the proper spiritual state, try doing some dark meditations. Meditations often follow a basic format and once you get the hang of it, it's easy to make up your own for a specific purpose. Simply use what you know of symbolism and go from there, since the point of meditation is to communicate with the subconscious mind, which speaks only the language of symbolism.
For example, to open oneself to the intuitive mysteries necessary to divine the future and gain the Sight, imagine that you are in a dark labyrinth... The walls are made of stone and the misty tunnels twist and turn, there are dead ends and strange plants all around... finally you meet a hooded figure standing before a large gate and you feel afraid... The figure looks up and you see the face of a kindly old crone, who is not frightening at all. She gives you a key, and stands aside. You unlock the gate, and venture forth into the darkness beyond, with courage in your heart, knowing that nothing can hurt you, and you will be given the wisdom you seek.
This is of course a shortened version, but you get the idea. Do this when you have time to think, alone and undisturbed... as you drift off to sleep is probably the best time. Light a small candle and some lavender or patchouli incense for spiritual and intuitive energy. If you can, add a clear quartz or amethyst crystal beside the items. Place them beside your bed (if possible) to create a sacred space for your meditation and dreams. The incense will cleanse the room of any stale, unhelpful energy, the crystal will project psychic, astral energy to your spirit, and the candle will burn for protection, to keep any negative energies away. If it burns out, don't worry. The candle is lit for a specific purpose, just as in any other spell. Protection is the goal, therefore that is what will be manifested as a result of the candle's use